===== ==== ===== === ======= ======

			    M. N. Harakeh and L. W. Put
				      June 1979
			    Last modified 1 July 1985

	The program ANGCOR is used to calculate angular correlations of
	particle, gamma or fission decay from a nucleus excited by a direct
	reaction, e.g. inelastic scattering, stripping or pickup reactions,
	charge exchange reactions, etc.  A full description of the program
	and the formalism used in it are to be found in the internal report
	KVI 67i (1979). Here only a short summary of the various functions will
	be presented.

	The program calculates m-state population amplitudes for the final
	state populated in a direct or multi-step reaction from B-functions or
	D-amplitudes obtained from the programs DWUCK or CHUCK,respectively, or
	reads them directly from the program DWBA82 for every scattering angle.
	These m-state population amplitudes are further used in conjunction
	with particle, gamma or fission decay amplitudes to calculate angular
	correlations for these various decay processes.

	In addition to these simple decay schemes, the program has the
	possibility to calculate particle decay from two or more intermediate
	coherently interfering channels. For gamma decay the possibility
	exists for calculating angular correlation of gamma decays (with mixed
	multipolarities) in a later stage of a cascade, where this gamma ray
	maybe preceded by unobserved gamma or particle decay. Geometrical
	attenuation factors for the cases where the gamma decay detector
	subtends a finite solid angle from the source can also be included.
	Averaging over the opening angle of the ejectile is also possible.

	The input and notations of this program have been made to conform with
	those of DWUCK and CHUCK where possible.

Note: all cards are in free format, except for CARD 1

======	======== =====	=====

CARD 1. Title.
---- -

	TITLE	 Any alphanumeric title.

CARD 2. Control integers, number of gamma cascades and number of experimental
---- -	data points.

	ICO(1)	 = 0	Particle-gamma angular correlation.
		 = 1	Particle-particle angular correlation.
		 = 2	Particle-particle-gamma angular correlation; the
			intermediate particle decay is unobserved.
		 = 3	Particle-fission fragment angular correlation.

	ICO(2)	 = 0	Do not print information from subroutines RHOKQ and
		 = 1	Print.

	ICO(3)	 = 0	Calculate RHO   from RHO   .
				     KQ         MM'
		 = 1	Calculate RHO   from RHO  (LSJ,L'S'J')
				     KQ		KQ
			Note:	this option is only present for historical
				reasons. The results should be the same for
				both options.

	ICO(4)	 = 0	Only one intermediate state is excited.
		 = 1	Two or more intermediate states are excited. this
			option is available only for particle decay (i.e. only
			if ICO(1).EQ.1). In this case only one j-transfer is
			allowed per intermediate state.

	ICO(5)	 = 0	BETA-functions are read from DWUCK file.
			Note:	in DWUCK ICON(8) should be set to  1  to
				print the BETA-functions.
		 = 1	Transition amplitudes (D) are read from CHUCK file
			Note:	in CHUCK ICON(8) should be set to  N  to
				print the transition amplitudes for state
				number  N  in the coupled channel scheme
				whose decay is to be studied.
		 = 2	M-state population amplitudes obtained from program
			DWBA82. in this case DWBA82 should be run once for
			every new ANGCOR calculation with a different
			scattering angle.
	Note:	 ANGCOR reads the BETA-functions, the D-amplitudes or m-state
		 population amplitudes from TAPE2 on which they are written by
		 KVI versions of DWUCK, CHUCK or DWBA82, respectively.

	ICO(6)	 = 0	New DWUCK/CHUCK/DWBA82 information.
		 = 1	Same DWUCK/CHUCK/DWBA82 information as previous	case.

	ICO(7)	 = 0	Do not print DWUCK BETA's/CHUCK D's/DWBA82 population
		 = 1	Print.

	ICO(8)	 = 0	Print angular correlation output.
		 = 1	Do not print. (Only chi2 will be printed).

	ICO(9)	 = 0	Z-axis is the beam axis for cases where m-state
			population amplitudes are obtained from DWUCK or
			CHUCK or is the scattering axis if they are
			obtained from DWBA82.
		 = 1	Transform z-axis to recoil axis.

	NC	 .LE.3	Number of cascades in case of gamma decay. If ICO(1)
		 	.EQ.2, NC is also the number of gamma cascades and is
		 	restricted to .LE.2 .

	M1	 .GE.0	Number of experimental data points (M1.LE.10).
		 .LT.0	Same experimental data as in previous case.

CARD 2A. Number of intermediate states card. (Use only if ICO(4).NE.0).
---- --

	NCH	Number of intermediate channels excited in the reaction for
		which decay has to be added coherently.

CARD 3. Reaction spins definition card. (Use only if ICO(6).EQ.0).
---- -

	LP	 Number of partial waves used in the calculation; must be
		 equal to the value used in DWUCK or CHUCK. (.LE.150).

	ISA	 Twice the spin of the projectile.

	JA	 Twice the angular momentum of the target nucleus.

	ISB	 Twice the spin of the ejectile.

	JB(N)	 Twice the angular momentum of the Nth intermediate state
		 populated in the direct or multistep reaction and whose decay
		 is to be studied.

	ISTR(N)	 Twice the spin transfer for the Nth intermediate state.

	NOTE:	 In case of gamma decay or fission only one intermediate
		 state is allowed.

	RSCALE(N)A scaling factor of (N+1)th intermediate state cross section
	Etc.	 to allow various ratios of excitations of various states in
		 case DWUCK BETA-functions are used. Note that if CHUCK
		 D-amplitudes are used this factor becomes redundant.

CARD 4. Transfer angular momentum card. (Use only if ICO(6).EQ.0).
---- -

	NLTR	 Number of separate angular momentum transfers. (.LE.8).

	LTR(I)	 The value of the Ith orbital angular momentum transfer.

	JTR(I)	 Twice the value of the Ith angular momentum transfer.

	Note:	 if ICO(4).NE.0, NLTR should be equal to NCH and there should
		 be only one value of LTR and of JTR for each of the NCH
		 intermediate states considered.
	Note:	 if ICO(5).EQ.2.and.ICO(4).EQ.0, NLTR should be equal to 1. In
		 this case, ANGCOR reads the calculated m-state population
		 amplitudes from DWBA82.

CARD SET 5.  Decay channel parameters.
==== === =

CARD 5A.Particle decay parameters. (Use only if ICO(1).EQ.1.OR.2).
---- --
	First card of this set.

	JC	 Twice the angular momentum of the residual nucleus.

	ISC	 Twice the spin of the decay particle.

	NLDEC(N) Number of separate angular momentum decays
	Etc.	 for Nth intermediate channel, (NLDEC(N).LE.3).

	NLDEC(1) cards followed by NLDEC(2) cards Etc. with:

	LDEC(I)	 Value of the Ith orbital angular momentum decay.

	JDEC(I)	 Twice the value of the Ith total angular momentum decay.

	DELTA(I) Decay amplitude for the Ith decay with momenta LDEC(I) and
		 JDEC(I). Only real DELTA values are allowed in this version.
		 If only one L-decay amplitude is used per intermediate state,
		 the program assumes DELTA(N,1).EQ.1.

Note:	if more than one L-decay is used per intermediate state then NLDEC:
	LDEC(I), JDEC(I) and DELTA(I) have to be specified for each
	intermediate state with the condition [SUM DELTA(I)**2 = 1]. The
	program enforces this condition all the time. The DELTA(I)'s are real
	but can be positive or negative.

CARD 5B.Gamma-ray decay parameters. (Use only if ICO(1).EQ.0.OR.2).
---- --
	NC cards with information about the NC transitions in the gamma-ray

	L(I)	 Lowest multipolarity in the transition. (Mixing with
		 multipolarity  L+1  is assumed).

	J2(I)	 Twice the spin value of the state to which the particular
		 transition leads.

	ARCDEL(I)Minimum value of ARCTAN(DELTA), with DELTA being the mixing
		 ratio between the  L+1 and L  transitions.

	Note:	 DELTA=G   /G .
			L+1  L

CARD 5C.Fission decay parameters. (Use only if ICO(1).EQ.3).
---- --

	KA	 Twice the projection of JA on the nuclear symmetry axis.

	KB1	 Twice the projection of JB on the nuclear symmetry axis.

CARD 6. Geometrical attenuation coefficients. (Use only if ICO(1).EQ.0.OR.2).
---- -

	ZW(I)	 Attenuation coefficients with which the  L = 2, 4 and 6
		 multipole terms in the angular correlation should be
		 multiplied. (See eq. 6 of Internal Report KVI 67i)

	Note:	 this option is available only for gamma decay.

CARD 7. Angle set card.
---- -

	ANG	 The c.m. polar angle of the scattered particle (ejectile),
		 i.e. with respect to the beam axis.

	PHID	 Azimuthal angle of the decay particle, gamma-ray or fission
	Note:	 PHID = 0(180) represents decay in the reaction plane on the
		 same(opposite) side of the ejectile if compared to the beam
		 axis. PHID can take all values between 0 and 180.

	RECANG	 The recoil angle (positive). This is only necessary if

	RECPHI	 Not used, enter 0.

	RECPSI	 Not used, enter 0.

	Note:	 if ANG is the same as in the previous case and ICO(6).EQ.1,
		 the calculation of the m-state population amplitudes is

CARD 8.	Ejectile-detector opening angle.
---- -

	OPAN	 Polar opening angle (in the c.o.m.) for the ejectile-detector.

	STEPA	 Step over polar opening angle.

	OPP	 Azimuthal opening angle for ejectile-detector.
	NOTE:	 if rotation to a z-axis other than the beam axis is asked
		 for, no averaging over the azimuthal opening is allowed in
		 this version. OPP is set to zero by the program.

	STEPP	 Step over azimuthal opening angle.

CARD 9. M1 cards with experimental data. (Only if M1.GT.0, see card 2).
---- -

	AN1(I)	 Ith polar angle with respect to the z-axis (see ICO(9)) for
		 which the angular correlation has been measured.

	PH1(I)	 Ith azimuthal angle for which angular correlation has been

	C1(I)	 Ith value of angular correlation. (Arbitrary units).

	EC1(I)	 Absolute error in C1(I). (Same units as C1(I)).

	Note:	 M1.LE.10 .

CARD 10.Plot scales.
---- --

	NPLOT	 Vertical scale of the angular correlation plot.
	Note:	 full scale corresponds to NPLOT times the regular (determined
		 by the program to allow plotting of all calculated angular
		 correlation points) scale of the angular correlations.

	NANGP	 Number of intervals into which 180 of the polar angular
		 correlation plot (print) is subdivided. For example,
		 NANGP = 31 gives DTHETA = 180/(31-1) = 6 .

	Note:	 the calculated values of the angular correlation are printed
		 together with the plot.
	Note:	 here the program goes back and starts reading CARD 1 .
		 Program stops if it finds an EOI CARD at this position.